About Us.

The Farm;

Our family have lived at Spot House Farm for some 30 years. Initially it was run as a mixed farm until roughly 20years ago when it’s arable land was sold off and the venture moved solely to pastoral, livestock farming, with a herd of pedigree Sussex cattle and a mixed flock of Texel and Romney sheep. The majority of the land at Spot House is laid down to permanent pasture with the remainder being mixed broadleaf woodland.

We rear our own pedigree Oxford Sandy and Black pigs for pork, bacon and sausages and the farmyard is home to a menagerie of poultry - chickens, geese and guinea fowl.

Pamela and Olive, our breeding sows.

Pamela and Olive, our breeding sows.


There is a rich and diverse mix of native wildlife - both fauna and flora.This is something that we are incredibly proud of and have long taken a keen interest in. As a family we are dedicated to supporting, enriching and preserving the diversity which exists here.

Spot House Farm provides a home for numerous species. The early summer months welcome returning nightingales to hatch their young in our wood - Calves Lodge. Their beautiful and distinctive song graces the evenings here. Our ponds are inhabited by great crested and smooth newts, toads and frogs. The permanent pasture plays host to a plethora of butterflies, moths and invertebrates - creating a rich feeding ground for birdlife, reptiles and small mammals alike.

The permanent pasture plays host to a plethora of butterflies, moths and invertebrates - creating a rich feeding ground for varied birdlife and small mammals alike.
